Our case managers carefully review & consider all available relevant information, such as injured workers’ physical abilities and limitations, job history, wage history and need for retraining. They may also order additional evaluative services if necessary, such as an FCE (functional capacities evaluation and/or vocational evaluation) in order to recommend the most effective rehabilitation services.
Although, the last step in the vocational rehabilitation process is usually job placement and on-the-job-follow up, before injured workers can participate in job placement it is imperative that they have a clearly defined feasible vocational goal based on their skills and /or training, physical abilities, wage expectations, and economic conditions. If injured workers are unable to return to any of their previous occupations, the IVS case managers offer all available appropriate services to help injured workers decide their new vocational goal and prepare for such goal.
Case managers have to follow applicable rules and laws and accordingly work together with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) and managed care organizations who issue approvals for all services that the case managers may recommend. The IVS case managers take great care in providing all necessary information and justification that the BWC and MCOs may need in order to approve the recommended services.
Although, the last step in the vocational rehabilitation process is usually job placement and on-the-job-follow up, before injured workers can participate in job placement it is imperative that they have a clearly defined feasible vocational goal based on their skills and /or training, physical abilities, wage expectations, and economic conditions. If injured workers are unable to return to any of their previous occupations, the IVS case managers offer all available appropriate services to help injured workers decide their new vocational goal and prepare for such goal.
Case managers have to follow applicable rules and laws and accordingly work together with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) and managed care organizations who issue approvals for all services that the case managers may recommend. The IVS case managers take great care in providing all necessary information and justification that the BWC and MCOs may need in order to approve the recommended services.